• + 977-1-5010603
  • info@fittnepal.com
Overseas Mediclaim & Travel Insurance
See our Plan details: Gold Platinium Standard
Gold Platinium Standard
Excluding USA & Canada :
Including USA & Canada :
Asian Countries :
SAARC Countries :
Student Plan
A to C
A to N
Contact person in case of emergency (including their address and telephone number):
Local Country of Visit
Full Name Full Name
Address Address
Phone No. Phone No.
E-mail address E-mail address
Details of ay condition for which you and/or any of your travelling dependants have previously taken medication, had treatment or sought medical advice for in the last two years.
Name, Address and Telephone Number of your and all travelling dependants regular Doctor. If you do no have a regular doctor please provide the contact details if the last doctor you saw.
Have you or any of your travelling depandants made a claim, been refused cover, or had an Insurer decline or impose special conditions in respect of Life, Accidents, Sickness, Hospital Expenses or Travel Insurance in the last five years?
YES NO If Yes, Please provide details: